Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu
atau lebih dikenali sebagai Kepulauan Seribu merupakan gugusan kepulauan
yang membentang sekira 100 mil dengan luas 108.000 hektar di Teluk
Jakarta. Daerah yang berlokasi 45 km sebelah utara Kota Jakarta itu
merupakan kawasan pelestarian alam bahari dengan zona konservasi yang
terus dijaga keindahan dan kebersihannya.
Thousand Islands Marine National Park or the more recognizable as the Thousand Islands is an archipelago that stretches approximately 100 miles with an area of 108 000 hectares in the Bay of Jakarta. Area located 45 km north of Jakarta is a marine nature conservation area with conservation zones continue to be maintained the beauty and cleanliness.
Anda yang berdiam di Kota Jakarta sebenarnya tidak perlu jauh-jauh ke Bali
atau berlibur ke pulau indah lainnya di Nusantara. Untuk menikmati
keindahan alam tropis laut Indonesia mengapa tidak kini mencoba plesir
ke Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu. Kawasan ini kian hari kian
digemari sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata favorit wisata bahari.
You who dwell in the city of Jakarta was not necessarily the way to a vacation in Bali or other beautiful islands in the archipelago. To enjoy the natural beauty of the tropical ocean Indonesia why not now try spree to the Thousand Islands Marine National Park. This area is increasingly popular as one of the favorite destinations of nautical tourism.
You who dwell in the city of Jakarta was not necessarily the way to a vacation in Bali or other beautiful islands in the archipelago. To enjoy the natural beauty of the tropical ocean Indonesia why not now try spree to the Thousand Islands Marine National Park. This area is increasingly popular as one of the favorite destinations of nautical tourism.
Pulau-pulau di kawasan Taman Nasional
Laut Kepulauan Seribu sebagian besar tidak berpenghuni dan berupa pulau
pasir dengan terumbu jarang bervegetasi maupun tidak. Dari keseluruhan
pulau di kawasan ini diperkirakan ada 17 pulau sudah tenggelam akibat
abrasi alam.
The islands in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park is largely uninhabited and form coral sand island with vegetation or not. Of the whole island in this region is estimated there are 17 islands are sinking due to natural abrasion.
The islands in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park is largely uninhabited and form coral sand island with vegetation or not. Of the whole island in this region is estimated there are 17 islands are sinking due to natural abrasion.
Ada 11 pulau yang berpenghuni di Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan
Seribu, yaitu: Pulau Kelapa, Pulau Kelapa Dua, Pulau Panggang, Pulau
Harapan, Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Tidung, Pulau Besar, Pulau Payung Besar,
Pulau Pari, Pulau Untung Jawa, Pulau Lancong Besar, dan Pulau Sebira.
Adpun total jumlah penduduk sekira lebih dari 20.000 jiwa. Sebagian dari
pulau-pulau tersebut ada yang sudah menjadi milik pribadi, seperti
pulau Bidadari. Wisatawan biasanya mengunjungi Pulau Tidung, Pulau
Pramuka untuk berwisata bahari.
Untuk zona konservasi laut di Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu (TNKS) meliputi 8 pulau, yaitu: Pulau Panggang, Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Matahari, Pulau Kotak, dan Pulau Sepa. Pulau-pulau tersebut terbentuk dari koloni binatang karang yang sudah mati, kemudian karang itu muncul ke permukaan laut dan ditumbuhi aneka tumbuhan dan terjadilah daratan.
For marine conservation zones in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park (TNKS) includes eight islands, namely: Island Grill, Scout Island, Island Sun, Island Boxes, and Sepa Island. These islands formed from coral colonies of the dead, then rock it came to the surface and covered with various plants and there was land.
There are 11 inhabited islands in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park, namely: Palm Island, Palm Island Two, Island Grill, Island of Hope, Island Boy Scouts, Tidung Island, Pulau Besar, Pulau Besar Umbrella, Pari Island, the island of Java Fortunately, the Big Island Lancong , and Sebira Island. Adpun total population of approximately more than 20,000 people. Some of the islands have already become private property, such as Angel Island. Tidung tourists usually visit the island, maritime Scout Island for a tour.
Untuk zona konservasi laut di Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu (TNKS) meliputi 8 pulau, yaitu: Pulau Panggang, Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Matahari, Pulau Kotak, dan Pulau Sepa. Pulau-pulau tersebut terbentuk dari koloni binatang karang yang sudah mati, kemudian karang itu muncul ke permukaan laut dan ditumbuhi aneka tumbuhan dan terjadilah daratan.
For marine conservation zones in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park (TNKS) includes eight islands, namely: Island Grill, Scout Island, Island Sun, Island Boxes, and Sepa Island. These islands formed from coral colonies of the dead, then rock it came to the surface and covered with various plants and there was land.
Umumnya mereka yang datang ke Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu untuk menikmati keindahan alamnya dengan snorkeling atau diving.
Pulau Tidung menjadi pulau yang paling lengkap fasilitasnya serta mampu
menampung wisatawan dalam jumlah besar. Apabila Anda ingin mengunjungi
pulau yang bernuansa alam maka Pulau Pramuka cocok untuk ekowisata dan
wisata edukasi. Beberapa pulau lain yang dapat Anda sambangi, yaitu:
Pulau Ayer, Pulau Bidadari, Pulau Sepa, Pulau Putri, Pulau Alam Kotok,
Pulau Pelangi, dan Pulau Pantara.
Generally, those who come to the Thousand Islands Marine National Park to enjoy its natural beauty by snorkeling or diving. Tidung island became the island's most complete tourist facilities and can accommodate large amounts. If you want to visit the island a natural shades Scout Island is suitable for ecotourism and educational tourism. Some of the other islands that you can sambangi, namely: Ayer Island, Angel Island, Pulau Sepa, Island Princess, Island Alam Kotok, Pelangi Island, and Island Pantara.
Sebagian besar pantai di Taman
Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu dilindungi hutan bakau yang menjadi rumah
bagi biawak, ular cincin emas, dan piton. Fauna di kawasan ini
diperkirakan ada sekira 17 jenis burung, 350 jenis ikan karang, 2 jenis
kima, 3 kelompok ganggang, 101 jenis moluska, 237 jenis terumbu karang,
dan 6 jenis rumput laut. Sementra itu, flora di Taman Nasional
Kepulauan Seribu didominasi tumbuhan pantai, seperti nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), butun (Barringtonia asiatica), bogem (Bruguiera sp.), sukun (Artocarpus altilis), waru (Hibicus tiliaceus), pandan (Pandanus sp.), cemara laut (Casuarina equisetifolia), cangkudu (Morinda citrifolia), ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), dan kecundang (Cerbena adollam).
Most of the beaches in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park protected mangrove forest which is home to monitor lizards, snakes gold ring, and python. Fauna in this region is estimated there are approximately 17 species of birds, 350 species of reef fish, two types of clams, three groups of algae, 101 species of molluscs, 237 species of coral, and 6 kinds of seaweed. Sementra, the flora in the Thousand Islands National Park is dominated coastal plants, such as nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), Butun (Barringtonia asiatica), punch (Bruguiera sp.), Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), hibiscus (Hibicus tiliaceus), pandan (Pandanus sp. ), casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia), cangkudu (Morinda citrifolia), ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), and defeated (Cerbena adollam).
Most of the beaches in the Thousand Islands Marine National Park protected mangrove forest which is home to monitor lizards, snakes gold ring, and python. Fauna in this region is estimated there are approximately 17 species of birds, 350 species of reef fish, two types of clams, three groups of algae, 101 species of molluscs, 237 species of coral, and 6 kinds of seaweed. Sementra, the flora in the Thousand Islands National Park is dominated coastal plants, such as nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), Butun (Barringtonia asiatica), punch (Bruguiera sp.), Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), hibiscus (Hibicus tiliaceus), pandan (Pandanus sp. ), casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia), cangkudu (Morinda citrifolia), ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), and defeated (Cerbena adollam).
Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu juga merupakan tempat peneluran penyu sisik (Eretmochelys imbricata) dan penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas).
Keduanya merupakan satwa langka dan jarang ditemukan di perairan lain
terutama pantai Utara Pulau Jawa. Anda dapat menemukannya ditangkarkan
di Pulau Semak Daun.
Thousand Islands National Park is also home to nesting hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Both are endangered species and is rarely found in other waters, especially the northern coast of Java Island. You can find it bred on the island of bush leaves.
Thousand Islands National Park is also home to nesting hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Both are endangered species and is rarely found in other waters, especially the northern coast of Java Island. You can find it bred on the island of bush leaves.
Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Seribu
mempunyai sumber daya alam khas berupa ekosistem karang yang unik yaitu
terumbu karang. Pulau-pulau di kawasan ini dikelilingi terumbu karang
tepian (fringing reef) dengan kedalaman 1-20 meter. Terumbu karang
sendiri merupakan salah satu sub sistem ekosistem perairan laut yang
produktif. Beberapa jenis karang keras di sini, yaitu: seperti karang
batu (massive coral), karang meja (table coral); karang kipas (gorgonia); karang daun (leaf coral); karang jamur (mushroom coral).
Thousand Islands Marine National Park has unique natural resources in the form of a unique ecosystem of the coral reef. The islands in the region surrounded by banks of coral reefs (fringing reef) with a depth of 1-20 meters. Reef itself is one of the sub systems of productive marine ecosystems. Some types of hard coral here, namely: such as corals (massive coral), coral table (table coral); fan corals (Gorgonia); coral leaf (leaf coral); coral fungi (mushroom coral).
Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan
Seribu kini ditata menjadi dua wilayah kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan
Kepulauan Seribu Utara (3 kelurahan) dan Kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu
Selatan (3 kelurahan). Pusat pemerintahannya sendiri ada di Pulau
Pramuka dan sudah difungsikan sejak 2003. Mengingat sebagian besar
wilayahnya merupakan perairan dan zona konservasi maka pengembangan
wilayah kabupaten ini lebih ditekankan pada budidaya laut dan
Thousand Islands District Administration is now organized into two districts namely North District Thousand Islands (3 villages) and the Southern District Thousand Islands (3 villages). The central government itself is in the Scout Island and has functioned since 2003. Given that most of the area are water and conservation zones, the development of the district with more emphasis on mariculture and tourism.
Sumber : http://www.indonesia.travel/id/destination/726/taman-nasional-laut-kepulauan-seribu
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