Monumen Kapal Selam
Atau biasa di singkat dengan Monkasel, Berlokasi di tepi Kali Mas, di pusat kota Surabaya. Lebih tepatnya di sebelah plaza Surabaya yaitu berada di Jalan Pemuda no 39. Monumen Kapal selam biasa buka pada hari senin sampai jumat, pukul 08.00 sampai 20.00 sedangkan untuk hari sabtu dan minggu biasanya beroperasi dari pukul 08.00 sampai 21.00, dengan harga tiket Rp 5000 per orang.
Or unusual in the short to Monkasel, Located on the banks of Kali Mas, in the center of Surabaya. More precisely next to the plaza that is located on Jalan Surabaya Youth no 39. The submarine monument common open on Monday to Friday, 08.00 to 20:00, while for Saturday and Sunday usually operate from 08:00 until 21:00, with a ticket price of Rp 5,000 per person.
This monument is actually a real submarine which Pasopati KRI 410, one of the Navy of the Republic of Indonesia made the Soviet Union in 1952 with the type Whiskey Class. The ship was never taken part in the Battle of Aru Sea on the Dutch West Irian.
Monumen Kapal Selam di resmikan tanggal 27 Juni 1998, untuk memperingati keberanian para pahlawan Indonesia, kemudian kapal ini di bawa ke darat. Namun untuk membawa kapal selam ke tengah kota Surabaya tidaklah mudah, kapal selam tersebut dipotong menjadi 16 bagian dan selanjutnya dibawa ke area Monumen Kapal Selam kemudian dirakit kembali dan di jadikan monumen. Ada beberapa ruangan antara lain:
Submarine Monument in inaugurated on June 27, 1998, to commemorate the bravery of the heroes of Indonesia, then the ship brought to land. But to bring the submarine to the center of the city of Surabaya is not easy, the submarine was cut into 16 pieces and then taken to the Submarine Monument area and then re-assembled and made in the monument. There are several rooms, among others:
- Ruang torpedo haluan yang di lengkapi dengan 4 peluncur torpedo (The bow torpedo room is equipped with four torpedo launchers)
- Ruang periskop yang juga berfunsi sebagai Pusat Informasi tempur (Periscope room which also function as Combat Information Center)
- Ruang Tinggal Perwira (Living room officer)
- Ruang ABK (Anak Buah Kapal) (Space crew)
- Ruang torpedo buritan ( Aft torpedo room)
- Ruang listrik (Electric space)
- Ruang diesel (Chamber diesel)
Among the space separated by a watertight door, the weather was quite hot in the room. When performing the operation, the crew of the submarine must be capable of withstanding temperatures hot enough inside the vessel. Despite adequate oxygen supply, but the ship is not equipped with air conditioning. In Submarine Monument there are also many facilities, including lin, you can watch movies in Video Rama which presents the history of submarines in Indonesia, or enjoy the music offerings on an open stage on Saturday and Sunday. There is a place for the screening of films that show the war in the Aru Sea. Meanwhile, on the edge of the Kali Mas is also still in the area of the monument you can workout at the jogging track which is provided in addition there are also food stalls that provide a wide range of cuisine. Of course visiting Submarine Monument or Monkasel can be an educated family holiday. You and your family can know more about one of Indonesia's powerful fleet that submarine.
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