tanah dan laut berpadu lalu tubuh Anda tercelup dalam fantasi yang
menggugah maka pertemuan dan interaksi dengan ikan terbesar di muka bumi
ini akan menjadi pengalaman yang amat spesial. Rasakan sendiri secara
langsung sensasi menyelam bersama hiu paus di Kwatisore, Taman Nasional
Teluk Cendrawasih. Di biru kobalt laut Papua yang jernih dan bersih akan
Anda dapatkan pengalaman takan terlupakan seumur hidup karena ikan
raksasa tersebut telah menjadi penyingkapan besar dalam dekade ini.
When combined land and sea and then your body is immersed in the fantasy that stirs the meeting and interaction with the largest fish on earth would be a very special experience. Feel the sensation itself directly on the dive with whale sharks Kwatisore, Paradise Bay National Park. In the cobalt blue sea is crystal clear and clean Papua'll get a lifetime of experience say forgotten because of the giant fish has become a major revelation in this decade.
When combined land and sea and then your body is immersed in the fantasy that stirs the meeting and interaction with the largest fish on earth would be a very special experience. Feel the sensation itself directly on the dive with whale sharks Kwatisore, Paradise Bay National Park. In the cobalt blue sea is crystal clear and clean Papua'll get a lifetime of experience say forgotten because of the giant fish has become a major revelation in this decade.
Hiu paus (Rhincodon typus)
tercatat sebagai ikan terbesar di muka Bumi saat ini. Bayangkan bobotnya
bisa mencapai 21 ton, panjangnya hingga 14 meter serta umurnya sampai
150 tahun. Hewan menakjubkan ini terlihat pada masa-masa tertentu di
beberapa negara saja, yaitu mulai dari Afrika Selatan, Filipina,
Australia, dan Indonesia. Mereka berpindah-pindah dengan bermigrasi
untuk mencari tempat makan dan bertelur. Akan tetapi, tahukah Anda bahwa
hewan yang sejatinya ramah namun penuh misteri ini dapat ditemui
sepanjang tahun di perairan Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih di Papua Barat dan Papua. Di sinilah Anda dapat berenang dan bermain gelembung bersama mereka, bagaimana berani mencoba?
Memang kini saatnya Anda mengalihkan perhatian atau melabelkan wisata menyelam di Papua hanya pada Raja Ampat saja, mengapa? Itu karena sebenarnya Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih (TNTC) adalah taman nasional dengan perairan terluas di Indonesia dan memiliki kekayaan biota laut dalam takaran lebih dari cukup. Kawasan nan indah ini membentang dari Kabupaten Teluk Wondama di Provinsi Papua Barat, hingga Kabupaten Nabire di Provinsi Papua. Perairan yang luas dan dilindungi itu semakin istimewa karena berjodoh dengan keberadaan hiu paus yang berukuran besar sekaligus menakjubkan.
It is now time for you to divert attention or labels diving in Raja Ampat in Papua only just, why? That's because the real Paradise Bay National Park (TNTC) is the largest national park in the waters of Indonesia and has a wealth of marine life in the dose is more than enough. This beautiful area stretches from the Gulf Wondama district in West Papua province, to Nabire in Papua province. Wide and protected waters is more special because it is destined to be the presence of a large whale shark at the same time amazing.
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) was recorded as the largest fish on Earth at this time. Imagine the weight can reach 21 tons, up to 14 meters in length and up to 150 years old. Amazing animal was seen at certain times in some countries only, namely from South Africa, the Philippines, Australia, and Indonesia. They move to migrate in search of places to eat and lay eggs. Howevdr, did you know that animals are actually friendly but full of mystery can be found throughout the year in the waters of Paradise Bay National Park in West Papua and Papua. This is where you can swim and play with their bubbles, how dare try?
Memang kini saatnya Anda mengalihkan perhatian atau melabelkan wisata menyelam di Papua hanya pada Raja Ampat saja, mengapa? Itu karena sebenarnya Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih (TNTC) adalah taman nasional dengan perairan terluas di Indonesia dan memiliki kekayaan biota laut dalam takaran lebih dari cukup. Kawasan nan indah ini membentang dari Kabupaten Teluk Wondama di Provinsi Papua Barat, hingga Kabupaten Nabire di Provinsi Papua. Perairan yang luas dan dilindungi itu semakin istimewa karena berjodoh dengan keberadaan hiu paus yang berukuran besar sekaligus menakjubkan.
It is now time for you to divert attention or labels diving in Raja Ampat in Papua only just, why? That's because the real Paradise Bay National Park (TNTC) is the largest national park in the waters of Indonesia and has a wealth of marine life in the dose is more than enough. This beautiful area stretches from the Gulf Wondama district in West Papua province, to Nabire in Papua province. Wide and protected waters is more special because it is destined to be the presence of a large whale shark at the same time amazing.
Hiu paus (Rhincodon typus) dinamai masyarakat Papua Barat sebagai gurano bintang dan oleh masyarakat Nabire di Provinsi Papua disebut hiniota nibre.
Hewan raksasa itu sempat mendapat anggapan sebagai pembawa sial apabila
nelayan melihatnya di perairan sehingga biasa disebut Sang Hantu. Akan
tetapi, kini anggapan itu sirna karena nelayan di Kwatisore telah lama
bersahabat dengannya, bahkan ibaratnya kini menjadi hewan peliharaan
yang hidup di alam bebas.
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is named after the people of West Papua as the star and the community gurano Nabire in Papua Province called hiniota nibre. Giant animals that had received presumption jinxed when fishing in waters seen so commonly called The Revenant. However, that assumption is now gone because the fishermen have long Kwatisore friends with him, even supposing that pets are now living in the wild.
Di Desa Kwatisore, Kabupaten Nabire, Provinsi Papua, hiu paus ini bersahabat dengan nelayan setempat. Mereka muncul berkelompok setiap hari di sekitar bagan nelayan (perahu sejenis keramba terapung dengan jaring penangkap ikan di bawahnya) dengan kemunculan selama berjam-jam. Hiu paus itu rupanya tertarik dengan sekumpulan ikan puri (sejenis ikan teri) yang tertangkap dalam jaring terapung di bawah bagan dan juga menanti ikan mati yang dilemparkan nelayan. Mereka biasanya mendekati bagan secara berkelompok hingga enam ekor. Padahal sifat hewan ini sebenarnya penyendiri, pemakan plankton, dan seringnya berada di bawah permukaan laut hingga kedalaman ratusan meter. Perlu diketahui bahwa di Australia, wisatawan harus menunggu saat musim panas untuk melihat hiu paus dan itu pun perlu digiring terlebih dahulu agar bisa ditonton.
Village Kwatisore, Nabire, Papua Province, whale sharks are friendly with the local fishermen. They appear in groups every day around the fishing chart (similar boat floating cages with fishing nets on the bottom) with the emergence of long hours. The whale shark is apparently interested in the fish collection of the castle (a type of fish) are caught in nets floating in the chart and also waiting for a dead fish being thrown fishermen. They are usually close to the chart in groups of up to six birds. Yet nature is actually solitary animals, plankton eaters, and often under the sea surface to depths of hundreds of meters. Keep in mind that in Australia, tourists had to wait during the summer to see whale sharks and it also needs to be driven in advance so he could watch.
Bagan nelayan di Kwatisore adalah sebuah perahu terapung berukuran 18 x 18 meter yang dikonversi menjadi lokasi penangkap ikan puri berbentuk persegi dengan bagian bawahnya terpasang jaring. Papan kayu dipasang menghubungkan antar sudut dan dideretkan banyak lampu untuk penerang saat malam agar ikan puri mendekat dan masuk dalam jaring. Jumlah bagan di perairan ini cukup banyak lebih dari sepuluh dan keberadaannya perlu terdaftar di Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Chart of fishermen in a boat floating Kwatisore is sized 18 x 18 meters which is converted to a fishing location, rectangular castle with a net attached underneath. Wooden board mounted between the corner and connects dideretkan many lights to lights at night to fish near the castle and into the net. The number of charts in these waters a lot more than a decade, and its existence need to be registered at the Department of Marine and Fisheries.
Di Kwatisore, hiu paus sudah terbiasa diberi makan ikan puri dan sering berinteraksi dengan penyelam. Saat penyelam mendekatinya maka ikan raksasa ini akan dengan santainya berenang bersama. Tidak seperti hiu lain yang memiliki gigi tajam, hiu paus memiliki gigi halus di ujung mulut bagian dalamnya. Caranya makan adalah menyedot air laut sembari menjaring plankton dan ikan kecil yang masuk bersama air ke mulutnya.
In Kwatisore, whale sharks are accustomed to being fed fish castle and often interact with divers. When the divers approached the giant fish will swim together casually. Unlike other sharks have sharp teeth, whale sharks have teeth mouth soft on the inside edge. The trick is to suck the sea water feed while capturing plankton and small fish that go along with the water into his mouth.
Biasanya sesaat sebelum dan sesudah Bulan Purnama, hiu paus tidak muncul karena nelayan tidak dapat menangkap ikan puri akibat terangnya cahaya Bulan sehingga lampu-lampu pada bagan tersebut kurang menarik lagi bagi ikan puri. Puncak penangkapan ikan puri di kawasan ini berlangsung antara Desember dan Januari.
Usually just before and after the Full Moon, the whale shark does not appear because the fishermen can not catch castle moon so bright the light from the lamps on the chart is less interesting for the fish castle. Castle peak fishing in this area took place between December and January.
The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is named after the people of West Papua as the star and the community gurano Nabire in Papua Province called hiniota nibre. Giant animals that had received presumption jinxed when fishing in waters seen so commonly called The Revenant. However, that assumption is now gone because the fishermen have long Kwatisore friends with him, even supposing that pets are now living in the wild.
Di Desa Kwatisore, Kabupaten Nabire, Provinsi Papua, hiu paus ini bersahabat dengan nelayan setempat. Mereka muncul berkelompok setiap hari di sekitar bagan nelayan (perahu sejenis keramba terapung dengan jaring penangkap ikan di bawahnya) dengan kemunculan selama berjam-jam. Hiu paus itu rupanya tertarik dengan sekumpulan ikan puri (sejenis ikan teri) yang tertangkap dalam jaring terapung di bawah bagan dan juga menanti ikan mati yang dilemparkan nelayan. Mereka biasanya mendekati bagan secara berkelompok hingga enam ekor. Padahal sifat hewan ini sebenarnya penyendiri, pemakan plankton, dan seringnya berada di bawah permukaan laut hingga kedalaman ratusan meter. Perlu diketahui bahwa di Australia, wisatawan harus menunggu saat musim panas untuk melihat hiu paus dan itu pun perlu digiring terlebih dahulu agar bisa ditonton.
Village Kwatisore, Nabire, Papua Province, whale sharks are friendly with the local fishermen. They appear in groups every day around the fishing chart (similar boat floating cages with fishing nets on the bottom) with the emergence of long hours. The whale shark is apparently interested in the fish collection of the castle (a type of fish) are caught in nets floating in the chart and also waiting for a dead fish being thrown fishermen. They are usually close to the chart in groups of up to six birds. Yet nature is actually solitary animals, plankton eaters, and often under the sea surface to depths of hundreds of meters. Keep in mind that in Australia, tourists had to wait during the summer to see whale sharks and it also needs to be driven in advance so he could watch.
Bagan nelayan di Kwatisore adalah sebuah perahu terapung berukuran 18 x 18 meter yang dikonversi menjadi lokasi penangkap ikan puri berbentuk persegi dengan bagian bawahnya terpasang jaring. Papan kayu dipasang menghubungkan antar sudut dan dideretkan banyak lampu untuk penerang saat malam agar ikan puri mendekat dan masuk dalam jaring. Jumlah bagan di perairan ini cukup banyak lebih dari sepuluh dan keberadaannya perlu terdaftar di Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Chart of fishermen in a boat floating Kwatisore is sized 18 x 18 meters which is converted to a fishing location, rectangular castle with a net attached underneath. Wooden board mounted between the corner and connects dideretkan many lights to lights at night to fish near the castle and into the net. The number of charts in these waters a lot more than a decade, and its existence need to be registered at the Department of Marine and Fisheries.
Di Kwatisore, hiu paus sudah terbiasa diberi makan ikan puri dan sering berinteraksi dengan penyelam. Saat penyelam mendekatinya maka ikan raksasa ini akan dengan santainya berenang bersama. Tidak seperti hiu lain yang memiliki gigi tajam, hiu paus memiliki gigi halus di ujung mulut bagian dalamnya. Caranya makan adalah menyedot air laut sembari menjaring plankton dan ikan kecil yang masuk bersama air ke mulutnya.
In Kwatisore, whale sharks are accustomed to being fed fish castle and often interact with divers. When the divers approached the giant fish will swim together casually. Unlike other sharks have sharp teeth, whale sharks have teeth mouth soft on the inside edge. The trick is to suck the sea water feed while capturing plankton and small fish that go along with the water into his mouth.
Biasanya sesaat sebelum dan sesudah Bulan Purnama, hiu paus tidak muncul karena nelayan tidak dapat menangkap ikan puri akibat terangnya cahaya Bulan sehingga lampu-lampu pada bagan tersebut kurang menarik lagi bagi ikan puri. Puncak penangkapan ikan puri di kawasan ini berlangsung antara Desember dan Januari.
Usually just before and after the Full Moon, the whale shark does not appear because the fishermen can not catch castle moon so bright the light from the lamps on the chart is less interesting for the fish castle. Castle peak fishing in this area took place between December and January.
Sudah jadi ketentuan setiap operator
diving akan membayar ikan puri yang disediakan nelayan dengan membelinya
seharga 1 juta untuk sehari agar penyelam dapat melihat langsung secara
lebih dekat. Anda dapat juga memberi makan hiu paus ini langsung dari
atas bagan. Kegemarannya memakan ikan puri ketimbang plankton di
Kwatisore jelas adalah hal yang unik dan luar biasa.
Already a provision each operator will pay fish diving castle provided the fishermen with a buy it for $ 1 million for a day so that divers could see right up close. You can also feed the whale shark is directly from the chart. His love of eating fish and plankton in the castle than Kwatisore clearly is a unique and extraordinary.
Already a provision each operator will pay fish diving castle provided the fishermen with a buy it for $ 1 million for a day so that divers could see right up close. You can also feed the whale shark is directly from the chart. His love of eating fish and plankton in the castle than Kwatisore clearly is a unique and extraordinary.
Atraksi menarik ini sebenarnya tidak
sengaja dimulai sejak tahun 2000 bersamaan saat nelayan setempat
membangun bagan di tengah laut. Saat itu, hiu paus pun mulai berdatangan
menyambangi bagan karena tertarik dengan ikan puri yang tertangkap di
jaring bawah bagan tersebut. Ikan puri di dalam jaring kemudian sering
didatangi dan dihisap hiu paus. Sebenarnya tidak ada ikan yang berhasil
ia makan kecuali pada jaring yang bolong. Seringnya hiu paus menghisap
ikan puri dalam jaring justru membuat sebagian ikan di dalam jaring mati
lalu dibuang nelayan ke laut. Kebiasaan membuang ikan puri inilah yang
membuat hiu paus sering berada di sekitar bagan dan seolah menjadi hewan
peliharaan. Saat itu pula masyarakat setempat menyadari bahwa ikan
raksasa ini sebenarnya tidak berbahaya.
This interesting attraction is actually accidentally started since 2000 when local fishermen together to build the chart in the middle of the sea. At that time, whale sharks visited the chart began to arrive, attracted by the castle of fish caught in nets below the chart. Castle in the fish nets and smoked and frequently visited by whale sharks. Actually there are no fish to eat unless he had a hole in the net. Fish suck whale sharks frequent the castle in the net it makes some dead fish in the nets and then thrown into the sea fishermen. Habit of throwing fish castle makes the whale sharks are often located around the chart and as a pet. During that time, local people are aware that these giant fish is actually harmless.
This interesting attraction is actually accidentally started since 2000 when local fishermen together to build the chart in the middle of the sea. At that time, whale sharks visited the chart began to arrive, attracted by the castle of fish caught in nets below the chart. Castle in the fish nets and smoked and frequently visited by whale sharks. Actually there are no fish to eat unless he had a hole in the net. Fish suck whale sharks frequent the castle in the net it makes some dead fish in the nets and then thrown into the sea fishermen. Habit of throwing fish castle makes the whale sharks are often located around the chart and as a pet. During that time, local people are aware that these giant fish is actually harmless.
Banyak misteri dari kehidupan hiu paus
yang belum terkuak. Christoph Rohner, peneliti dari Universitas
Queensland, mengemukakan bahwa ternyata ukuran tubuh hiu paus dapat
mencapai 20 meter. Hal itu berdasarkan cara pengukuran terbaru dengan
laser yang ditempatkan 50 cm dari kamera pada hiu yang sedang bergerak.
Metode ini menghasilkan ukuran yang akurat daripada metode
photogrammetery sebelumnya. Selain itu, hewan yang diperkirakan ada
sejak 60 juta tahun lalu itu rupanya memasuki usia subur pada usia 30
tahun. Reproduksinya relatif lambat dibandingkan dengan ikan lain yang
ada di muka bumi.
Many mysteries of the life of the whale sharks that have not been disclosed. Christoph Rohner, researchers from the University of Queensland, said that the body was the size of whale sharks can reach 20 meters. It was based on recent measurements with a laser is placed 50 cm from the camera on a moving shark. This method produces an accurate measure than the previous photogrammetery method. In addition, since the animals there are an estimated 60 million years ago was apparently entered the age of childbearing at age 30. Reproduction is relatively slow compared to other fish that exist on earth.
Mengacu pada International Union for the
Conservation of Nature dan Resources, jelas hewan ini tergolong
dilindungi. Oleh karena itu, keberadaannya yang sepanjang tahun dapat
dilihat di Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih (TNTC) adalah sebuah
fenomena sekaligus daya tarik wisata bahari yang unik di dunia.
Referring to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Resources, explained the animal is classified as protected. Therefore, its presence can be seen that all year in Paradise Bay National Park (TNTC) is a phenomenon well as marine tourism attraction that is unique in the world.
Referring to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Resources, explained the animal is classified as protected. Therefore, its presence can be seen that all year in Paradise Bay National Park (TNTC) is a phenomenon well as marine tourism attraction that is unique in the world.
Catatan TNTC hingga 2012 ada sekira 40
ekor hiu paus yang hidup di kawasan teluk ini. Mereka selalu ada
sepanjang tahun dan sering ditemukan berkelompok. Penemuan hiu paus yang
terbesar memiliki panjangnya sekira 14 meter dan berbobot 15 ton. Saat
ini, perlindungan hanya mengacu bahwa hiu paus adalah satwa yang rentan.
Status perlindungan hiu paus ini perlu ditingkatkan sebagai satwa
dilindungi seperti dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 1999 tentang
Pengawetan Tumbuhan dan Satwa. Jangan sampai terlambat dan keadaan
berbalik seperti tahun 2005 saat hiu terancam karena perburuan siripnya.
Lalu keberadaan hiu paus ini di Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih bisa
jadi hanya tinggal cerita saja dan penyesalan anak cucu. Tidak ada
seorang pun tahu apa lagi yang dapat ditemukan dari penyingkapan di
Teluk Cendrawasih. Indonesia layak bangga pada masyarakat Papua di Teluk
Cendrawasih yang bekerja sama dengan para peneliti dan aktivis
lingkungan untuk menjaga keberadaan ikan terbesar di muka bumi ini.
TNTC records until 2012 there are approximately 40 whale sharks that live in the bay area. They are always there throughout the year and is often found in groups. The discovery of the largest whale shark has a length of approximately 14 meters and weighs 15 tons. Currently, only refers to the protection of whale sharks are vulnerable animals. This whale shark protection status as a protected species needs to be improved as in the Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 on the Preservation of Flora and Fauna. Do not be late and the situation reversed as of 2005 when the shark fins are threatened because of poaching. Then the presence of whale sharks in Paradise Bay National Park could be just a story of regret and grandchildren. No one knows what more can be found from the disclosure in Paradise Bay. Indonesian Papua worthy pride in the community at Paradise Bay in collaboration with researchers and environmental activists to keep the existence of the largest fish on earth.
Bermainlah ke Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih, tepatnya ke Kwatisore. Di sini Anda dapat menyelam atau snorkeling sembari berinteraksi dan bermain bersama hiu paus yang jinak. Anda yang belum berminat mencemplung maka bisa memberi makan hewan ini dari atas bagan. Hiu paus adalah alasan kuat mengapa berwisata ke bagian timur Indonesia dapat menjadi begitu spesial. Sepulangnya bertemu hiu paus yang luar biasa itu dipastikan benak Anda dipenuhi rasa terpesona. Jadi, ada pilihan lain berwisata bahari di Papua selain ke Raja Ampat bukan?
Play to Paradise Bay National Park, specifically to Kwatisore. Here you can dive or snorkel while interacting and playing with the whale sharks are docile. You are not interested mencemplung can then feed these animals over the top of the chart. The whale shark is a strong reason why a trip to the eastern part of Indonesia could be so special. After coming back to see the whale shark was certainly extraordinary mind was filled with awe. So, there are other options in the marine trips to Raja Ampat in Papua but is not it?
Untuk datang ke Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih, waktu yang bersahabat adalah antara Mei dan Oktober meskipun hiu paus dapat ditemui di sini sepanjang tahun. Tersedia penerbangan dari Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar menuju Biak, berikutnya menggunakan pesawat Susi Air ke Manokwari atau Nabire. Tersedia juga penerbangan dari Jayapura ke Biak. Anda yang datang dari Jakarta dan Makassar dapat memanfaatkan penerbangan dengan Batavia ke Manokwari. Dari Manokwari ke TNTC dapat melanjutkan perjalanan menggunakan kapal laut sejauh 95 km. Maskapai Lion menyediakan penerbangan dari Jakarta langsung ke Nabire. Sementara dari Nabire ke TNTC menggunakan perahu motor sejauh 38 km atau sekira 3 jam.
To come to Paradise Bay National Park, a friendly time is between May and October although whale sharks can be found here throughout the year. Available flight from Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar to Biak, using a plane next to Susi Air Manokwari or Nabire. There is also a flight from Jayapura to Biak. You are coming from Jakarta and Makassar can take advantage of flights to Batavia to Manokwari. Of Manokwari TNTC can continue to travel using the ship as far as 95 miles. Lion airlines providing direct flights from Jakarta to Nabire. While TNTC from Nabire to use a motor boat as far as 38 miles or approximately 3 hours.
TNTC records until 2012 there are approximately 40 whale sharks that live in the bay area. They are always there throughout the year and is often found in groups. The discovery of the largest whale shark has a length of approximately 14 meters and weighs 15 tons. Currently, only refers to the protection of whale sharks are vulnerable animals. This whale shark protection status as a protected species needs to be improved as in the Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 on the Preservation of Flora and Fauna. Do not be late and the situation reversed as of 2005 when the shark fins are threatened because of poaching. Then the presence of whale sharks in Paradise Bay National Park could be just a story of regret and grandchildren. No one knows what more can be found from the disclosure in Paradise Bay. Indonesian Papua worthy pride in the community at Paradise Bay in collaboration with researchers and environmental activists to keep the existence of the largest fish on earth.
Bermainlah ke Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih, tepatnya ke Kwatisore. Di sini Anda dapat menyelam atau snorkeling sembari berinteraksi dan bermain bersama hiu paus yang jinak. Anda yang belum berminat mencemplung maka bisa memberi makan hewan ini dari atas bagan. Hiu paus adalah alasan kuat mengapa berwisata ke bagian timur Indonesia dapat menjadi begitu spesial. Sepulangnya bertemu hiu paus yang luar biasa itu dipastikan benak Anda dipenuhi rasa terpesona. Jadi, ada pilihan lain berwisata bahari di Papua selain ke Raja Ampat bukan?
Play to Paradise Bay National Park, specifically to Kwatisore. Here you can dive or snorkel while interacting and playing with the whale sharks are docile. You are not interested mencemplung can then feed these animals over the top of the chart. The whale shark is a strong reason why a trip to the eastern part of Indonesia could be so special. After coming back to see the whale shark was certainly extraordinary mind was filled with awe. So, there are other options in the marine trips to Raja Ampat in Papua but is not it?
Untuk datang ke Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih, waktu yang bersahabat adalah antara Mei dan Oktober meskipun hiu paus dapat ditemui di sini sepanjang tahun. Tersedia penerbangan dari Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar menuju Biak, berikutnya menggunakan pesawat Susi Air ke Manokwari atau Nabire. Tersedia juga penerbangan dari Jayapura ke Biak. Anda yang datang dari Jakarta dan Makassar dapat memanfaatkan penerbangan dengan Batavia ke Manokwari. Dari Manokwari ke TNTC dapat melanjutkan perjalanan menggunakan kapal laut sejauh 95 km. Maskapai Lion menyediakan penerbangan dari Jakarta langsung ke Nabire. Sementara dari Nabire ke TNTC menggunakan perahu motor sejauh 38 km atau sekira 3 jam.
To come to Paradise Bay National Park, a friendly time is between May and October although whale sharks can be found here throughout the year. Available flight from Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar to Biak, using a plane next to Susi Air Manokwari or Nabire. There is also a flight from Jayapura to Biak. You are coming from Jakarta and Makassar can take advantage of flights to Batavia to Manokwari. Of Manokwari TNTC can continue to travel using the ship as far as 95 miles. Lion airlines providing direct flights from Jakarta to Nabire. While TNTC from Nabire to use a motor boat as far as 38 miles or approximately 3 hours.
Apabila Anda berminat atau bermilpi
melakukan live aboard dengan kapal phinisi maka tersedia operator diving
live aboard (LOB) yang melayani jasa penjelajahan di Taman Nasional
Teluk Cendrawasih. Operator diving live aboard dapat ditemui di Bali,
Raja Ampat, dan Sorong. Bagaimana pun juga perjalanan dengan cara live
aboard adalah yang paling logis untuk menjelajahi banyak titik menyelam
secara sekaligus di TNTC yang sulit dijangkau, tersebar, dan jauh dari
daratan. Pilihlah operator yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan Anda. Pihak
operator akan mengatur segala kebutuhan Anda selama tinggal berhari-hari
di atas kapal. Mereka juga akan mengarahkan pada banyak titik menyelam,
mengatur perlengkapan, mengecek arus, menunggu dan memandu Anda selama
penyelaman, hingga melayani kebutuhan makanan.
If you are interested, or dream to live aboard the ship Phinisi is available live aboard dive operator (LOB) that provide services discovery on Paradise Bay National Park. Live aboard diving operators can be found in Bali, Raja Ampat, and Sorong. In any journey by way of live aboard is the most logical place to explore many points in a single dive in TNTC that are difficult to reach, spread, and distant from the mainland. Choose the right provider for your needs. The operator will arrange all your needs while staying several days on the boat. They will also lead to many dive points, set the equipment, checking the flow, waiting and guide you during the dive, to serve the needs of the food.
If you are interested, or dream to live aboard the ship Phinisi is available live aboard dive operator (LOB) that provide services discovery on Paradise Bay National Park. Live aboard diving operators can be found in Bali, Raja Ampat, and Sorong. In any journey by way of live aboard is the most logical place to explore many points in a single dive in TNTC that are difficult to reach, spread, and distant from the mainland. Choose the right provider for your needs. The operator will arrange all your needs while staying several days on the boat. They will also lead to many dive points, set the equipment, checking the flow, waiting and guide you during the dive, to serve the needs of the food.
Want to know more? Includes contact us at:
Griya Alam Hijau Lestari, Jl. Cempaka Blok M No. 12A, Randuagung-Singosari, Malang 65153
Telp / SMS : 0341 - 452275 / 0818 0509 8618
Email :
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